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SP Group Donates S$1.1 Million to KidSTART Singapore to Support Learning and Development Programmes for 2,000 More Children

By KidSTART Singapore March 2, 2024

SP Group Donates S$1.1 Million to KidSTART Singapore to Support Learning and Development Programmes for 2,000 More Children

SP Group Donates S$1.1 Million to KidSTART Singapore to Support Learning and Development Programmes for 2,000 More Children

SP Group (SP) announced its third year of partnership with KidSTART Singapore with a donation of S$1.1 million. KidSTART Singapore is a non-profit organisation supporting families in early childhood development.

SP Group’s recent donation signifies its continued commitment to meet the learning and developmental needs of children from lower-income families. SP Group has donated a cumulative amount of S$3.2 million to KidSTART Singapore since 2021. The latest donationwill benefit 2,000 more KidSTART children, offering these children access to educational resources such as digital devices, books and learning activities. The donation will also fund Green Adventures by KidSTART and SP Group, a new initiative which aimsto introduce sustainability concepts and inculcates fun, green habits in children.

Green Adventures by KidSTART and SP Group was launched today by Mr Masagos Zulkifli Minister for Social and Family Development, Second Minister for Health & Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs. The event launch was held at The Frontier Community Clubin Jurong West Central and was attended by 400 KidSTART parents and children. The event featured an excerpt from the KidSTART Sea Adventures play and a variety of environmental-themed booths supported by KidSTART and SP Group volunteers, also known as SP HeartWorkers. Families participated in learning activities such as making eco-enzymes and crafts using natural materials and simulating ocean clean-up efforts.

Green Adventures by KidSTART and SP Group will immerse KidSTART families in outdoor adventures throughout the year, helping children learn about the different environmental factors that affect our world at large. These adventures will focus on threekey themes, namely “Caring for the Sea”, “Caring for the Environment” and “Caring for Animals”.

Group CEO of SP Group, Mr Stanley Huang, said, “SP Group has journeyed with KidSTART Singapore to support children and their families through various stages of holistic growth and development. We started by ensuring that KidSTART children and familieshave access to quality learning tools and resources, continuity of programmes during the pandemic, and support for the improvement of literacy and reading habits in early childhood. In this third year of collaboration, we have progressed to making sustainabilitya way of life for KidSTART families, through Green Adventures. This is aligned with SP’s focus on empowering the community with reliable, sustainable solutions today and in the future.”

Madam Rahayu Buang, Chief Executive Officer, KidSTART Singapore said, “With the launch of Green Adventures by KidSTART and SP Group, we are excited to provide KidSTART families with an innovative platform to introduce environmental literacyto children in a fun and engaging manner. We hope that Green Adventures by KidSTART and SP Group will not only nurture a sense of environmental stewardship among children but also strengthen parent-child bonds through shared learning experiences.Over the past years, SP Group has been an invaluable partner in enabling us to implement various initiatives aimed at providing comprehensive support to children and their families. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to SP Group for making Green Adventures by KidSTARTand SP Group possible. Through this programme, we are empowering families to embrace sustainability and environmental consciousness, ensuring that every child receives a holistic start in life.”

The new initiative is on top of existing forms of assistance that SP Group has been providing, including the provision of learning resources and IT tools for child developmental needs. In 2022, SP Group had earlier also supported the launch of the KidSTARTSea Adventures interactive play and KidSTART Stories to encourage early childhood literacy and equip parents with the necessary tools and skills to strengthen interactions with their children through storytelling and reading. In 2023, SP Group partneredKidSTART to present the Adventures with Andi play, which was attended by 850 KidSTART families.

This article was originally featured in The Insightful Media, published Mar 4, 2024.

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SP Group Donates S$1.1 Million to KidSTART Singapore, Expanding Support for Early Childhood Development

SP Group (SP) has once again demonstrated its commitment to nurturing young minds and supporting families in need by pledging S$1.1 million to KidSTART Singapore. This marks the third consecutive year of partnership between SPGroup and KidSTART, with the aim of empowering children from lower-income families through early childhood development programs.

With this latest donation, SP Group’s total contribution to KidSTART Singapore since 2021 has reached an impressive S$3.2 million. The funds will support an additional 2,000 children enrolled in the KidSTART program, providingthem with vital educational resources such as digital devices, books, and engaging learning activities.

In addition to traditional learning support, SP Group’s donation will also fuel the launch of “Green Adventures by KidSTART and SP Group,” a groundbreaking initiative focused on instilling sustainability values and eco-friendlyhabits in children from a young age. This innovative program aims to make learning about environmental conservation fun and accessible, fostering a generation of environmentally conscious citizens.

The official launch of Green Adventures took place today at The Frontier Community Club in Jurong West Central, with Mr. Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for Social and Family Development, Second Minister for Health, and Minister-in-chargeof Muslim Affairs, presiding over the event. Joined by 400 KidSTART parents and children, the launch featured engaging activities, environmental-themed booths, and an excerpt from the KidSTART Sea Adventures play.

SP Group’s ongoing support for KidSTART extends beyond financial contributions. In previous years, the company has provided learning resources and IT tools to aid in child development. Notably, in 2022, SP Group supported the launchof KidSTART Sea Adventures interactive play and KidSTART Stories, promoting early childhood literacy and strengthening parent-child interactions through storytelling.

The collaboration between SP Group and KidSTART has already yielded significant positive impacts, including the successful presentation of the Adventures with Andi play in 2023, attended by 850 KidSTART families.

This article was originally featured in Alvinology Media, published Mar 5, 2024.

Inisiatif bantu keluarga KidSTART pupuk tabiat mesra alam

Inisiatif bantu keluarga KidSTART pupuk tabiat mesra alam

Mempelajari konsep kemampanan dan memupuk tabiat mesra alam yang menyeronokkan kini lebih mudah bagi keluarga di bawah program KidSTART hasil satu inisiatif baru yang diperkenalkan.

Diberi nama, ‘Green Adventures’ atau Kembara Hijau, ia bertujuan menggalakkan keluarga lebih sedar mengenai isu kemampanan, dengan melibatkan mereka dalam pengembaraan sepanjang tahun bagi mendedahkankanak-kanak kepada faktor alam sekitar yang menjejas dunia secara meluas.

Inisiatif hasil kerjasama KidSTART dengan SP Group itu telah dilancarkan Menteri Pembangunan Sosial dan Keluarga, Encik Masagos Zulkifli Masagos Mohamad, pada 2 Mac.

Ia akan memberi tumpuan kepada tiga tema utama iaitu Memelihara Laut, Memelihara Persekitaran dan Memelihara Haiwan.

Green Adventures akan dibiayai hasil sumbangan tambahan SP Group sebanyak $1.1 juta kepada KidSTART, yang juga diumumkan pada 2 Mac.

Ini merupakan tahun ketiga firma utiliti itu bekerjasama dengan KidSTART, pertubuhan bukan mencari keuntungan yang menyokong keluarga dalam pembangunan awal kanak-kanak.

Sejak 2021, SP Group telah mendermakan sejumlah $3.2 juta bagi menyediakan keperluan pembelajaran dan pembangunan kanak-kanak daripada keluarga berpendapatan rendah di bawah KidSTART.

Lagi 2,000 kanak-kanak dijangka meraih manfaat daripada sumbangan terkini itu, yang menawarkan akses kepada sumber pendidikan seperti peranti digital, buku dan aktiviti pembelajaran.

Ketika berucap kepada kira-kira 400 ibu bapa dan kanak-kanak KidSTART semasa majlis pelancaran di Kelab Masyarakat Frontier di Jurong West, Encik Masagos berkata inisiatif seperti Green Adventuresdapat membantu menangani perubahan iklim dan “melindungi masa depan kanak-kanak kita”.

“Kita harus melibatkan kanak-kanak daripada usia yang muda, memupuk keinginan mereka untuk memelihara alam sekitar dan menanam tabiat yang positif. Kededua ibu bapa dan kanak-kanak boleh bekerjasamamemupuk amalan kemampanan dan menjadikannya aktiviti tetap keluarga serta merebut peluang membincangkan kesan tindakan mereka dan kepentingan kemampanan alam sekitar,” ujarnya.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif KidSTART Singapore, Cik Rahayu Buang, sependapat.

“Isu perubahan iklim adalah sangat nyata. Ia menjejas semua orang, terutamanya kanak-kanak. Kami ingin kanak-kanak tahu mereka juga boleh memainkan peranan menyelamatkan apa yang akan berlaku kepadamasa depan mereka…Mereka boleh mempunyai persekitaran yang selamat dan indah untuk didiami,” kongsinya.

Selain Green Adventures, SP Group juga telah menyokong inisiatif drama pentas interaktif, ‘KidSTART Sea Adventures’, dan ‘KidSTART Stories’, yang membantu ibu bapa berinteraksi dengan anak merekamenerusi sesi bercerita dan membaca, pada 2022.

Pada 2023, ia menganjurkan pementasan Adventures with Andi, yang dihadiri sekitar 850 keluarga KidSTART. Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan, SP Group, Encik Stanley Huang, menambah: “Dalam tahun ketigakerjasama ini, kami telah berkembang dalam menjadikan kemampanan sebagai cara hidup keluarga KidSTART, menerusi Green Adventures. Ini sejajar dengan tumpuan SP untuk memperkasa masyarakat dengan huraian yang boleh dipercayai, mampan pada hari ini dan masa akandatang.”

Acara pada 2 Mac itu juga menampilkan petikan daripada KidSTART Sea Adventures selain pelbagai gerai bertema alam sekitar yang disokong relawan KidSTART dan SP Group.

Cik Jannatul Munirah Razak, 23 tahun, yang menyertai KidSTART sejak 2021, mengalu-alukan inisiatif Green Adventures.

Ibu kepada dua anak berusia tiga dan lima tahun itu, berkata: “Anak-anak saya banyak belajar tentang alam sekitar daripada acara hari ini. Saya percaya ia penting untuk mendedahkan mereka kepadakemampanan sejak kecil.”

This article was originally featured in Berita Harian, published Mar 2, 2024.




2021年以来,新加坡能源集团(SP Group)已累计向幼儿培育辅助计划(KidSTART)捐赠320万元。集团星期六(3月2日)宣布再捐出110万元,下来可为2000名儿童提供数码设备、书籍和学习活动等教育资源,并资助幼儿培育辅助计划和新加坡能源集团的新计划“绿色探险”(GreenAdventures),旨在引入可持续发展理念,通过趣味的方式,向孩童灌输环保的好习惯。



社会及家庭发展部长兼卫生部第二部长马善高,星期六在新域民众俱乐部(Frontier Community Club)为活动主持启动仪式,并与400名家长及孩童一同观看KidSTART海洋探险互动游戏(KidSTARTSea Adventures)的互动式演出。参与者可动手制作生态酶(eco-enzyme)和使用自然材料制作工艺品,以及模拟海洋清理工作等活动。

KidSTART总裁拉哈尤(Rahayu Buang)说,她在过去几年注意到,越来越多参加KidSTART的家庭对这类寓教于乐的活动产生兴趣,并表达了参加的意愿。



This article was originally featured Lianhe Zaobao, published Mar 2, 2024.

Singapore Pools, SP Group contribute to 2 initiatives that support children

Singapore Pools, SP Group contribute to 2 initiatives that support children

BOTH Singapore Pools and SP Group have donated funds to support the development of children from lower-income families.

On Saturday (Mar 9), Singapore Pools launched Project Green Shoots to support the education and healthcare needs of children from lower-income families in Kreta Ayer-Kim Seng. It donated S$122,500, with the Ministry of Social and Family Development matchingthe contribution on a one-for-one basis.

The total amount received – S$245,000 – will be used to top up the Child Development Account (CDA) of 350 children. Each child’s account will receive a S$700 top-up.

Lam Chee Weng, chief executive of Singapore Pools, said: “By providing these financial top-ups, we hope to empower families in building financial stability, while enabling a better and brighter future for the children.”

The initiative was launched by the Kreta Ayer-Kim Seng Citizens’ Consultative Committee Community Development and Welfare Fund at Kim Seng Community Centre.

Minister for Communications and Information Josephine Teo, who was the event’s guest of honour and adviser to Jalan Besar Group Representation Constituency (GRC) Grassroots Organisation (Kreta Ayer-Kim Seng), said: “We are hopeful that the CDA top-up willnot only provide immediate relief for lower-income families by supporting the educational needs of their children, but also encourage more organisations and individuals to step forward and uplift these families.”

She added: “(The top-up) will go some way to helping the families provide even more for their children to give them the opportunities that help them grow (and) help them learn.”

Project Green Shoots’ launch took place on the sidelines of the Give and Take Market, organised by Jalan Besar GRC and Central Singapore Community Development Council. At the market, lower-income families received essential goods such as food and beverages,household necessities and toys. The goods were donated by sponsors from the retail, food and beverage, and consumer goods sectors.

Promoting sustainability literacy
In a separate event, SP Group donated S$1.1 million to non-profit organisation KidStart Singapore for educational resources to benefit 2,000 more children. These include digital devices, books, and learning activities and programmes.

The donation, made on Mar 2, will fund Green Adventures, a new initiative by KidStart and SP Group. The project aims to teach children about sustainability literacy. It was launched by Minister for Social and Family Development Masagos Zulkifli at TheFrontier Community Club in Jurong West Central, with 400 KidStart children and their parents attending.

Green Adventures will feature outdoor activities throughout the year and teach children about environmental factors that affect the world. Its key themes are caring for the sea, environment and animals.

Stanley Huang, group chief executive of SP Group, said: “(Green Adventures) is aligned with SP’s focus on empowering the community with reliable, sustainable solutions today and in the future.”

This year is SP Group’s third year of partnership with KidStart, which supports families in early childhood development. It has been providing KidStart families with learning resources and IT tools.

Rahayu Buang, chief executive of KidStart Singapore, said: “Over the past years, SP Group has been an invaluable partner in enabling us to implement various initiatives aimed at providing comprehensive support to children and their families… We are empoweringfamilies to embrace sustainability and environmental consciousness.”

Since 2021, SP Group has donated a cumulative amount of S$3.2 million to KidStart.

This article was originally featured in The Business Times, published Mar 10, 2024.