Frequently Asked Questions

We know that a child’s development has many
contributing factors. Here, you will find resources and
answers to frequently-asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About KidSTART

What is KidSTART about?

KidSTART Singapore is a dedicated agency that provides upstream support to eligible pregnant mothers and children up to 6 years old. As a national programme, KidSTART empowers families to build strong foundations for their children and foster positive child development outcomes by supporting caregivers with guidance on child development and monitoring the developmental progress of children from birth onwards.

Research suggests that experiences in a child’s early years significantly influence his or her long-term physical, cognitive and social development. 90% of a child’s brain is formed by age 5, and early experiences can affect the child’s brain development.

Parents are a child’s first teachers and often, the most important. KidSTART therefore aims to work with parents in providing the best care for their children. We hope to equip parents to know how to:

  • Build nurturing relationships with their children,
  • Support the age-appropriate development of their children, and
  • Care for the health and social wellbeing of their children in their early years.

Depending on the child’s needs, KidSTART also works with various professionals, such as doctors, nurses and social workers, to support the child’s development.

Who is eligible for KidSTART?

Families with

  • Pregnant mothers and Singapore-citizen children aged 6 years and below, and
  • A gross monthly household income of $2,500 and below or per capita income of $650 and below

Families can register their interest to join KidSTART and agencies can refer families for the programme. Click here to find out more.

Who delivers the KidSTART programme?

KidSTART together with implementing and hospital partners journey with eligible pregnant mothers and families to provide prenatal and one-to-one home-based support on child development strategies until the child is 6 years old. Parents are equipped with parenting knowledge and guided on the practical know-how on engaging their children to support their growth and development.

What are our desired outcomes?

  1. Child achieves age-appropriate developmental milestones
  2. Child receives up-to-date immunisations
  3. Child enroll early into preschool and achieve regular attendance
  4. Parents have the knowledge and skills to promote a child’s health and development

How many children have KidSTART Singapore supported?

KidSTART Singapore has supported almost 10,000 children since 2016.

What has the feedback been from the Evaluation Study conducted by Centre for Evidence and Implementation (CEI)?

Through KidSTART’s support, parents who participated in the home visitation programme were more confident in nurturing their child and have shared their desire to give their children a good start in life as they grow to appreciate the value of early childhood development. We have also seen parents benefiting from an increase in connectedness with other KidSTART families and from the enhanced social support provided by our practitioners and volunteers. 

About Growing Together with KidSTART (GT)

What is Growing Together with KidSTART?

The Growing Together with KidSTART (GT) initiative invites corporates and individuals to partner KidSTART through regular volunteering and other contributions. Encouraged by the community’s interest to support KidSTART during the pilot, the GT initiative aims to nurture this spirit of generosity and care in the community and invites partners to contribute through regular donations, sponsorships and volunteerism over a sustained period.

How can the community be part of the GT initiative?

Corporates and individuals can support KidSTART families through donations, in-kind sponsorships and volunteering.


If you are interested to make a donation or sponsorship, please email us at


KidSTART volunteers will get the opportunity to touch the lives of our KidSTART families through their contributions. Volunteer opportunities include outreach to eligible families, being an event helper, and supporting with packing or distribution of essential items. Sign up to be a KidSTART volunteer here.

Where will the donations go to?

Donations could go towards supporting KidSTART families in one or more of the following areas:

  1. Enhance Learning and Development of children
  • E.g. Books and Learning Resources
  1. Support better Health & Nutrition for children
  • E.g. Welcome packs

3. Other Early Childhood Development support

    • E.g. Home safety equipment

    KidSTART will pool donations centrally to ensure support to all KidSTART children and families.

    How has GT benefited the KidSTART families?

    KidSTART Singapore partners the community to raise support and donations for KidSTART families through the “Growing Together with KidSTART” initiative. Since 2019, corporations and individuals have contributed over $8.1 million in cash and over $3.1 million worth of in-kind donations, which go towards essentials such as monthly fresh produce packs, diapers and learning materials including books, milestone appropriate toys and games for families. The generous support has also allowed KidSTART to plan many opportunities for families to have bonding and play opportunities outside of their homes, at events such as picnics, indoor playgrounds and attractions.

    Through GT partnerships such as those with SP Group, Prudential Singapore and Maybank Singapore, KidSTART has also been able to launch programmes to support families in cultivating a love for reading, eating healthily, saving up for their children’s future. These include PowerUP Playtime, KidSTART Stories, Healthy with KidSTART and the Maybank KidSTART Saving Stars programme.

    Will donations go directly to KidSTART Singapore Ltd and will these donations be tax-deductible?

    KidSTART has attained IPC status and can receive donations. Do email us directly at KidSTART Singapore also raises funds through its partner, Community Chest (ComChest) via Campaigns – Community Chest 公益金 – Growing Together with KidSTART.

    KidSTART Expansion Plans

    Which are the expansion plans for KidSTART?

    KidSTART will complete its nationwide expansion by 2025. The expansion will bring us a step closer to our goal of supporting 80% of eligible children per cohort.